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Miss Millie's story


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I recently committed to sponsoring The Clown Doctors.


The Clown Doctors is part of an organisation dedicated to promoting and delivering the health benefits of humour and they treat children in hospital with medicine of a different kind...doses of fun and laughter!  I have a personal interest in this service. 

Just recently my first supporter email arrived, containing this story.

Miss Millie and Doctor Achoo


This video is  Little Miss Millie and Dr Achoo, recently sent in by Millie's mum. (It's also going viral on social media, with close to 3 million views!!!)

Millie has been having health issues all her life. She was born 3 months prematurely and soon diagnosed with Down Syndrome. Then in August 2015, just before her third birthday, she was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.


But for one magic moment, while Dr Achoo was singing to her and she was pressing his red nose, there was no leukaemia, no worry or sorrow. There was only joy.

You can see the look of wonder in her eyes, the way she approaches him, the way she's so obviously in charge of the interaction.

Empowering children, giving them back the control they've lost while in hospital and connected to tubes and machinery is what the Clown Doctors are about.



Thank you to the Clown doctors.  And Miss Millie ... "Girl, you got this".



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