Storytelling in the Time of Corona

If you are communicating at all, right now, you are a storyteller and therefore a leader.

Whether we are writing, typing or talking, we have the opportunity to lead – to create a movement, to offer an opportunity for those we write to, communicate with, to do something differently.

I have been following a thread of storytelling and framing because that is what story does, it sets a framework for a way forward, a way to behave, a way to see things.  And specifically, they are to do with the way we frame Covid19.

I wanted to offer some suggestions I have found, of alternative ways to present information for you to think about and maybe to use, should they resonate with your thinking.

While we need to maintain a feeling of safety, I believe we can move from values of security and power and activate humanity and universalism.

It’s one of the ways forward that is possible as we deal with this situation we all face together and then as we do our best to build a new way a new possibility in the future when we come out of this challenge.


Monitor each other’s behaviour

People should be social distancing and sticking to the rules. If they don’t, they’re selfish and it’s ok to call the police on them.


Have each other’s backs

As neighbours, this is a time for us to have one another’s backs. That means more than just checking in, it also means understanding each other’s struggles without lots of judgement. It might be harder for some people to self-isolate and physical distance right now for lots of reasons.


We will get back to normal

This crisis will end and things will go back to normal. The economy will recover but it’s going to be hard.


We can transform our systems

If this crisis has shown us anything, it’s that the systems put in place to govern our lives can be quickly changed for our collective wellbeing. We can deliver new hospital beds and we can hire enough people to care for us when we’re unwell, we can stop landlords from evicting tenants, we can tell banks that they’re not the priority.  It’s only when a system breaks that you can truly see its flaws, and now we can fix what is broken when politicians have the will to do so.


Social Distancing

We need to keep social distancing to stop the spread of the virus and protect frontline health staff.


Physical Distancing

Right now we need to keep physical distance from others so that we can protect ourselves, each other, and give healthcare workers a chance. But we can still connect, check-in on neighbours, and raise our voices together to demand change now and in the future.

Have a think about those suggestions,

your values,

your hopes for the way things could be.

Maybe watch the media, our leaders, others presenting opinions

and the way they are framing the solutions and the way forward.

The first step is being aware.

The next step is creating change

and as speakers, we have that opportunity

as communicators, we have that opportunity

every day.