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Your story -  Your Leadership



You have at your disposal, the power, the


ancient enduring power, of one of the longest


surviving threads of culture, of community, of






How you can find and tell the story you need to tell to get the results you want.

  Book here >   

Will you tell the stories that lead a movement, that make a cause glow and beckon

and urge its followers on to the vision it holds for them?


Will you re-shape the events of the past into a new narrative, a useful way forward, a new way of seeing?


Will you do that for yourself,

for the world?

Will you do it for your family, your clients?


There's a new way to be a leader

leading with integrity, humanity and inner strength


Your story matters - it gives you not just the opportunity, but the power to create change, leave a legacy.

Harness the power of Stories and story strategy and you build

confident presence




cultural change and alignment

communication skills


whether you are leading a team, building a business or leading change


Your vision  ---  your inspiration --- your leadership

rely on


Soft skills --- for deep strength --- in a hard world


story wisdom, story telling, story alignment


Your leadership doesn't have to be faked,

founded on a culture that ceased to be effective decades ago. 

It doesn't have to use techniques that others use, just because that's how things have always been done.

Learn how to lead and engage your team, your community, your followers using their own stories,

along with your own.

Maintain the alignment of your natural skills,


your own values and your story with the real you.







Is it time you upgraded your skills to remind yourself of the leader you are

and the leader you would like to become?  Let's start the revolution! 

Define and own your leadership and personal brand

Access your own confident, authentic presence

Learn language hacks that make communication inspiring and strong -

change minds and hearts without being overbearing and manipulative

Build speaking skills for successful leadership -

for engagement across a range of personalities, needs and response capabilities

Understand leadership storytelling -

powerful tool for training, feedback and alignment across teams and cultures

with integrity and humanity





Let's spend time talking (it's free!) about how you can learn the skills to harness the power of story - and lead a business to the future it deserves, a team to their best possible potential, a movement that just might change the world.

Please choose a time that suits you.





From the Blog ...


Boost your speaking & marketing success with the free 30 Storytelling Tips




        Please note upon application you will also receive a complimentary subscription to the Pivotal Public Speaking and Story ezine.  We will not share, rent or sell your information to anyone,



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Real stories - Real people    |     Nurture your story


Contact Bronwyn:

T:  0400 046 094

E:  Bronwyn@YourStoryMatters.today

inspire - inform - entertain

persuade - perform - prosper

Your story - your voice - your gift