Entries by bronwynr

Are you willing to bare it all for authenticity and a good story?

For many of us telling our own story means one of two things

either we would no-way, no-how share those shameful, ugly things that we are having difficulty owning for ourselves let alone sharing them in public, destroying our credibility and reputation, not to mention our equanimity and mental health


“How could I possibly have anything to share? I’m just ordinary – nothing special ever happens to me.  Besides, if I do, they’ll think I’m big-noting myself and I’ll never engage or persuade them.”

Once upon a time? – 5 inspired Ways to Start your Story

Stories are a wonderful tool for speakers, marketers, sellers, anyone who wants to communicate. Stories are especially powerful if we need to influence, to lead, to establish ourselves as credible, an authority, the person to hire, to trust, to follow. We know that, you and I. And possibly the most potent part of that power […]

What exactly are you selling?

  What exactly are you selling?What exactly is your client or customer buying?The obvious answer, of course is, “your product or service”.And that is true,until you actually have to persuade someone to buy,until “sell” involves something more than the physical exchange of money or value.Then it becomes fairly obvious that there is something more involved.Let […]

Leadership engagement – story does it easily, naturally and powerfully

I have had several clients come to me, having left the corporate sector, and wanting to engage an audience without the power of their position. Story will do that for you as a leader, without you having to rely on your authority, and that makes it so much more effective!! Jane came from a position […]

Your Story Matters – Sing it!

  That bird – he sings. He doesn’t stop to ask if he is good enough. He doesn’t stop to ask which song would be best. He doesn’t practise first. He sings. And the song is just exactly how it is meant to be.   Your story. BEFORE you ask if you are good enough […]

Ramping up your impact with the bigger story

Behind your business story your personal story, your leadership story, there is a bigger story.     Whenever we tell a story – in a speech, online, as a leader, as a motivator, we drop the energy, but increase impact. If we do it well, we have our readers, audience, teams in the storytelling trance, in our […]